Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > Divine Causality


Dignity of Divine Causality

Love to Love

May 18, 2012


An Interspiritual-Interfaith Work
of Arem Nahariim-Samadhi

All is Welcome Here

Living in Love beyond Beliefs

red roses

*Red Roses, Funny Fish, Flickr

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Life is continually collapsing our mental constructs and showing itself to be both more ancient, more vast, and more here than can be imagined.

*Gangaji. Hidden Treasure.

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God goes out of God to each of us, and we return to God in the same manner: by Love. There is no other Way, but from Love to Love.


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♥ ♥ ♥

Touching Love, you touch
what does not change
within all change


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*Spring in Bloom, Gigapic, Flickr

Spring in Bloom

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Persons can go to YouTube, Lotus of the Heart, to see a 3-Minute Introduction and Welcome to Lotus of the Heart. Also, a welcome video for JesusSpirituality, a ministry of Lotus of the Heart, is at its channel by that name, also. The welcome videos are the featured videos and will automatically begin playing upon accessing the channels.



The Sacred in Me bows to the Sacred in You

OM Shanti Shanti Shanti OM

ŠArem Nahariim-Samadhi, 2012. Arem can be contacted at 77ahavah77@gmail.com .


Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > Divine Causality

©Brian Wilcox 2024